
To heal the world, we must also be healing ourselves. We cannot heal ourselves without pleasure.

Do you believe (even on some level) that pleasure has to be earned?

Do you find it challenging to connect with pleasure, or "forget" to make time for your own pleasure?

Do you most closely associate the very word pleasure with sex?

When you think of pleasure, does it seem complicated or mysterious?

It is possible for pleasure to be so simple.

Living in your pleasure doesn't have to add to your to-do list.

Pleasure is our blueprint and our birthright.

AND pleasure is something many of us struggle to claim for ourselves on a daily basis. This workshop is designed to help you shift that.

We do this by demistifying pleasure, giving you the simple tools you need to see it all around you, even in times of struggle.


Thursday, February 25th
4-6pm PST

(Video replay will be e-mailed on Friday, Feb 26th)

In this workshop we will:

-Assess our own pleasure balance across four realms of our being

-Attune more deeply to the pleasure that is already available to us (we all have more than we think!)

-Learn the four pathways of pleasure magic for a holistic approach to pleasure (hint: this work is about WAY more than sexual pleasure)

-Develop strategies for re-balancing across the four realms

-Personalize ritual practices for supporting full-being pleasure

You will walk away with:

-The unshakable understanding that you already have access to pleasure

-At least 2 embodiment/breathing practices for increasing your many layers of pleasure

-Accessible tools for orienting to pleasure in your daily life, every. single. day.

-Simple rituals to nurture the areas of pleasure that need more of your attention

This is a free offering.

Pelvic Floor Balancing Workshop

This workshop includes:
- A one-hour educational presentation on how to re-balance the pelvic floor and integrate it into our daily well-being.
- A one-hour of guided practice drawing on restorative postures, breathwork, and meditation.

Regain your pelvic power.
Reclaim this foundation for pleasure.

If you experience pelvic pain, low back pain, unsatisfying or painful sex, a lack of sensation, hemorrhoids, incontinence, constipation, shallow breathing, anxiety, shame, insomnia, and/or general stress, gaining an understanding of how to work with your pelvic floor can be incredibly useful.
When our pelvic floor is integrated with our breath and daily movements, we can gain so much power over these symptoms.

The one-hour educational video includes:
- pelvic floor anatomy and nervous system basics
- an introduction to the importance of breathing mechanics
- energetics of this area of the body
- pillars of how to do somatic healing work safely

The one-hour guided practice includes:
- "anchoring" techniques
- relaxation postures
- breathing exercises for pelvic floor integration
- guided meditation for pelvic floor balancing

Pandemic Pain to Pleasure:
Practices to Move Through Trauma

This 90-minute masterclass explores pleasure as a radical practice for both personal and collective wellness in traumatic times. 
As of April 2020, we’re looking at a big period of unknown ahead, potentially months of living in the pre-conditions for collective trauma and an evolving context of personal challenges. We are leaning into lots of not-knowing and un-knowing all at once. Not knowing and un-knowing can easily put us in protection mode and states of defense, but these states are not designed to go on for extended periods. We can support ourselves and our collective right now by adopting practices that help us process our grief and connect to our pleasure.

What makes this workshop different than other self-work you might be seeing right now?
I’m talking about how to both self-regulate AND co-regulate. This isn’t a “you’re solely responsible for doing your healing work” approach, but grounded in a philosophy of our relational interdependence. Together, we will illuminate a blueprint for how we move through this massive shift by practicing the embodiment of that interdependence. I’m going to give you tools for understanding yourself in our global context, and also how to utilize human relationships so we can all be better supported. This time is a collective trauma, so we need collective presence and collective healing.

Why is pleasure in pandemic important?
We always want mobility and resilience between nervous system states, but it becomes especially significant in balancing an accumulation of stress. When we get stuck in the more taxing nervous system states, we burn out and shut down in the long term. We can support ourselves and our loved ones right now by beginning to commit to the practices that help with that mobility and resilience, by learning tools that will help us maintain the space to tend to our more intense emotions.

Cost: This is a donation-based offering, because hey, we're in wild times, and I want you to have the tools you need. Please do and pay only what feels right to you in this moment. (50% of proceeds will be donated to mutual aid efforts in Providence, RI)

To donate, please click here.
To download the workshop, click



What People Are Saying:

“In the time we have been working together, the peaks and valleys of my symptoms have reduced. I am so much kinder and less judgmental to myself, and in turn to those around me. I am a better mother, wife, friend and all-around human because of our work together.”